We always look forward to visiting Steve and Doni on their farm not far from Chattanooga. Pregnancy shoots are one of my favorites and so is their beautiful property. It’s so peaceful and every time we come they’ve finished a massive project and have more edibles for us to sample. Meals at their house are always from the garden and we love the alien goat, the ducks, the dog ‘Wrangler’ and kitty. Upon arrival we discovered Doni to be covered in poison ivy from the baby goats that had been so kindly partaking and Steve up to his eyeballs in poo from a mishap with the plumbing. Always an adventure with these guys! We are so excited to welcome baby Bontekoe soon! (These photos were taken by me. Heath’s film shots still to come.)
      Filed under: Chattanooga Pregnancy Shoot

      chattanooga pregnancy shoot pregnancy
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      Hello! I checked out both posts and both the film photos and digital photos are gorgeous! I saw that Heath used the Pentax 645N for film, but I’m wondering what camera/lens were used for the digital pics that Jac took? Thanks!

      Sure thing – D800 with 35 1.4 and 85 1.4 processed in Lightroom with Mastin Labs Portra set.

      These are beautiful.